
5 Important applications for Computers and Smartphones

There are millions of applications used to support day-to-day activities. But sometimes, there is a confusion to choose the right application and find useful.

Reporting from Techradar, Monday (25/06/2012) This site has collected an average application is considered to be useful every day, either on computer or smartphone. These five applications are:

1. Picasa (PC and Mac): Picasa is considered as one of the required application.
The software automatically organizes images found on the face in a photo album and to tag photos with a good degree of accuracy.

Even with a high degree of accuracy, Picasa can correctly identify the faces in the photographs was 30 years old.

2. Dropbox (PC, Mac, IOS, Android, and BlackBerry): This application is very useful
when you save the file on your home computer while you are out to work. Dropbox is very easy to use to share files that are too large to email, such as music albums.

But the functionality Dropbox does not end with that function. By installing this software, you can create a folder and fill it with files and folders you want to share.

The service also has an online synchronization, so you can access it from anywhere with an internet connection.

3. Chrome applications (PC and Mac): Chrome is not just for browsing, but also
have the store features a full application that is packaged to download add-ons. Google Chrome is very interested in promoting as one of the very program you want to download.

So you can find games and other productivity applications, such as Listhings. The good news from the app store, most of which are free to use the application.

4. Evernote (IOS, Android, and WP7): Work that requires daily prduktif
plan and structure. Evernote is a useful part of the software that works like a digital notepad, which not only "capture" of words but also images and sound.

5. Google Docs in the smartphone (IOS, Android, and WP7): This application is useful when
You are in an important meeting and would like mengibah important documents. Although there are many applications such as Mirosoft Office, but Google Docs is considered easy to use.

Keep in mind, you should be online if you want to save and synchronize documents. Still, it can open and edit documents that already exist in the offline position. To use this free application, it takes a Google account.


Game Paling Menyeramkan

Game dapat memicu beragam reaksi dari para pemainnya. Merasa bangga ketika berhasil mempertahankan benteng bersama rekan atau mungkin terpacu adrenalinnya ketika balapan dengan kecepatan tinggi. Namun, tak ada yang mampu memancing emosi sehebat game horor.
Pernahkan Anda mengalami bulu kuduk Anda merinding ketika memainkan sebuah game? Atau mungkin merasa ada yang bergerak di belakang Anda? Semua itu dapat terjadi ketika memainkan game horor.
Berikut beberapa game paling mengerikan yang pastinya mampu menantang keberanian Anda.

1. Resident Evil (1996)
Bila Anda berpikir film Resident Evil yang dibintangi Milla Jovovich sudah mengerikan, jangan sampai Anda memainkan game ini. Game yang disebut survival horror ini mampu membuat pemainnya selalu waspada.
Ketika Anda merasa berjalan di lorong yang aman, seekor anjing zombie melompat masuk melalui kaca dan menerkam Anda! Banyak gamer yang mengaku spontan melempar controller PlayStation mereka ketika anjing itu muncul.

2. F.E.A.R (2005)
Pada awalnya game ini terlihat seperti game action shooter biasa. Musuh muncul dan peluru beterbangan. Namun, secara tidak disangka terlihat bayangan berkelebat melewati lorong di depan Anda.
Ketika Anda tiba di sana, ternyata tidak ada siapapun. Ketika Anda menengok ke belakang, seorang anak perempuan berlumuran darah menerkam Anda! Inilah horor psikologis yang dimiliki game ini. Sepanjang permainan Anda akan terus dihantui oleh ”penampakan” yang mencekam.

3. Silent Hill (1999)
Film Silent Hill yang pernah digarap oleh Hoywood tidak bisa dibandingkan mengerikannya game ini. Ketika Anda berada di tengah kota mati yang diliputi kabut tebal dan satu-satunya pertanda ada musuh di dekat Anda adalah suara distorsi radio, apakah Anda akan tenang? Terus terang, suara itu justru membuat keadaan semakin mencekam! Belum lagi ditambah dengan suara sirene yang mengubah kota menjadi penuh darah!

4. Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly (2003)
Bayangkan diri Anda berada di desa terpencil yang tidak tersentuh teknologi. Tidak ada kendaraan, jalanan aspal, bahkan listrik. Kemudian, desa tersebut terkena kutukan yang membuat arwah gentayangan. Itulah yang terjadi di Fatal Frame II.

Anda akan melewati malam penuh kengerian melalui mata seorang gadis kecil bernama Mio. Ia tidak bisa membunuh hantu dengan menggunakan senjata apapun kecuali sebuah kamera tua. Ya, kamera tua. Mio harus memotret hantu untuk mengusirnya. Terdengar lucu? Anda tidak akan berpikir begitu bila memainkannya langsung.

5. Amnesia: The Dark Descent (2010)
Menurut Farel's, inilah game yang paling mengerikan. Game horor diatas semuanya memiliki satu kesamaan – musuhnya dapat diserang dengan senjata. Akan tetapi, tidak demikian dengan Amnesia. Game ini tidak memberikan Anda satu senjata pun untuk mempertahankan diri! Anda hanya memiliki satu lentera yang menerangi daerah sekitar saja. Lebih mengerikannya lagi, Anda selalu dikejar oleh sesuatu yang haus darah.

Kegelapan, ketidakberdayaan, teror, dan suara yang mencekam akan terus mengikuti perjalanan Anda. Banyak gamer yang menyerah di tengah jalan ketika memainkannya akibat tidak tahan dengan kengerian yang terus mencekam.


Beda Layar LCD dan AMOLED di Ponsel

Dengan semakin meluasnya penggunaan layar sentuh berukuran besar sebagai perangkat input utama pada perangkat mobile, kualitas tampilan pun menjadi makin penting karena menentukan kenyamanan pengguna dalam memakai gadget yang bersangkutan.

Berbagai istilah seperti AMOLED, IPS, dan Retina display digunakan sebagai embel-embel teknologi layar perangkat tertentu untuk menarik pembeli.

Namun, secara umum terdapat 2 jenis layar utama yang dipakai pada kebanyakan perangkat mobile, yaitu LCD dan AMOLED.

LCD atau Liquid Crystal Display telah digunakan sebagai layar berbagai macam perangkat selama berpuluh-puluh tahun, mulai dari monitor komputer, layar smartphone, sampai jam tangan.

Sesuai namanya, layar LCD menggunakan medium kristal cair yang diselipkan diantara beberapa panel kaca atau material transparan lain.

Ketika dilihat dari jarak sangat dekat, tampak unit-unit pixel berwarna merah, hijau, dan biru yang menyusun tampilan gambar pada layar LCD.

Beberapa layar LCD menggunakan teknologi In-Plane Switching atau IPS untuk meningkatkan kualitas reproduksi warna dan sudut pandang optimal yang lebih luas. Layar "Retina Display" milik iPhone 4/4s misalnya, adalah layar LCD dengan teknologi IPS yang memiliki resolusi tinggi.

Layar LCD mampu mereproduksi warna dengan sangat realistik, tetapi memerlukan lampu penerang tambahan (backlight) karena tidak menghasilkan cahaya sendiri.

Beberapa perangkat populer yang menggunakan layar LCD: iPhone 4/4s, iPad, dan HTC One X

Teknologi layar AMOLED atau Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode sebenarnya juga sudah ada sejak lama, sejarahnya membentang hingga ke dekade 50-an.

Belakangan, layar tipe ini ramai diterapkan di perangkat-perangkat gadget karena memiliki beberapa kelebihan dibanding LCD seperti tidak memerlukan lampu backlight dan memiliki tingkat kontras yang lebih tinggi.
AMOLED terbuat dari lapisan polimer organik tipis yang menyala ketika dialiri listrik. Karena konstruksinya yang sederhana, layar AMOLED bisa dibuat sangat tipis.

Kebanyakan layar AMOLED memiliki struktur pixel yang disebut "pentile display", di mana dua sub-pixel merah dan biru berukuran lebih besar dan ditempatkan diantara dua sub-pixel berwarna hijau yang berukuran normal. Dengan kemikian, susunan pixel-nya menjadi' Red-Green-Blue-Green (RGBG), bukan Red-Green-Blue seperti pada LCD.

Keuntungan dari "pentile display" adalah sebuah layar AMOLED bisa dibuat seterang layar konvensional dengan hanya sepertiga jumlah sub-pixel yang biasanya diperlukan.

Kekurangannya, dikarenakan oleh ukuran sub-pixel merah dan biru yang lebih besar, layar jadi terlihat "grainy" atau tampak seperti memiliki resolusi rendah, walau sebenarnya tidak demikian.

Layar AMOLED biasanya sulit dilihat di bawah pancaran cahaya matahari langsung, tetapi teknologi Super AMOLED Plus dari Samsung yang tidak menggunakan "pentile display" telah memberi peningkatan dalam hal ini.

Beberapa perangkat-perangkat populer yang menggunakan layar AMOLED: Samsung Galaxy S series, Nokia Lumia 900, and HTC One S.

Keputusan di Tangan Anda
Baik LCD maupun AMOLED memiliki kelebihan dan kelemahan masing-masing. Saat ini, kedua jenis layar sudah mampu menghasilkan tampilan berkualitas sangat tinggi. Kualitas tampilan pun bervariasi antar produk dan merk, walaupun menggunakan jenis layar yang sama.

Satu-satunya cara untuk menentukan jenis layar mana yang sesuai dengan selera adalah dengan memegang perangkat dan melihat sendiri tampilan layarnya.

Anda akan dengan mudah mengetahui layar mana yang memberikan viewing angle, kontras, dan reproduksi warna yang paling cocok untuk kebutuhan setelah memakai perangkat yang bersangkutan selama beberapa menit.


Facebook Bidik Gamer Kelas Berat

Gamer yang biasa memainkan Diablo III, World of Warcraft atau sejenisnya memang tidak dapat terpuaskan dengan game yang selama ini ditawarkan Facebook. Melihat hal ini, facebook siap berbenah dengan menghadirkan game yang lebih berkualitas dan menantang.

Selama ini Facebook memang hanya menawarkan puluhan game kasual, sebut saja Mafia Wars, Poker, Angry Birds, FarmVille dan sejenisnya. Jumlah pengguna yang memainkan game tersebut memang sudah menyentuh angka jutaan, namun sayangnya sebagian besar bukanlah gamer yang suka memainkan game kelas berat.

Game kelas berat yang dimaksud adalah, game yang hadir dengan kualitas grafis memukau, alur cerita yang sedikit rumit namun menarik, serta mampu menghadirkan permainan yang menantang. Nah, Facebook pun kabarnya segera menghadirkan game seperti itu.

Untuk menciptakan game tersebut, jejaring social tersebut telah bekerjasama dengan Wooga dan Kixeye, perusahaan yang diklaim mampu menghadirkan game sekelas Diablo III atau World of Warcraft dalam platform Facebook.

"Tim ini (Wooga dan Kixeye) akan fokus mengembangkan game hardcore, game yang benar-benar berkualitas sehingga bisa mendorong intensitas bermain yang luar biasa," kata Matt Wyndowe, Games Product Manager Facebook, seperti dikutip dari Game Industry, Sabtu (23/6/2012).

Selain itu Wyndowe juga menginformasikan bahwa nantinya akan lebih banyak game jenis Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) dengan kualitas terbaik di dalam Facebook. Tentunya dengan tambahan elemen sosial ala situs jejaring sosial tersebut.


Xperia P, Xperia U, dan Xperia Sola kini Hadir di Indonesia

Untuk melakukan rebranding dan terlepas dari bayang-bayang Ericsson, Sony semakin gencar menghadirkan smartphone Android di Indonesia. Sampai dengan Juni tahun ini, setidaknya telah ada empat smartphone Android yang telah masuk ke Indonesia.

Tiga diantaranya adalah Xperia P, Xperia U, dan Xperia Sola yang telah resmi diluncurkan pada Kamis (21/6/2012) kemarin. Sebelumnya, Sony telah meluncurkan Xperia S pada bulan April lalu.

Menurut Hanny Sanjaya , Manager Pemasaran Komunikasi Sony Mobile Communications Indonesia, Indonesia termasuk salah satu negara yang menjadi prioritas Sony. "Langkah ini sekaligus mengedukasi masyarakat tentang smartphone Sony," tambahnya.

Sony menjual Xperia P dengan harga Rp 4.299.000, Xperia U Rp 2.749.000 dan Xperia Sola Rp 3.199.000.

Berikut spesifikasi dari ketiga smartphone terbaru dari Sony tersebut.

Sony Xperia P

- Prosesor dual core STE U8500 1GHz
- Sistem operasi Android 2.3 Gingerbread (dapat upgrade Android 4.0)
- Memori internal 16GB
- Layar 4 inci beresolusi 540 x 960 pixel
- Kamera 8MP dengan LED flash, kamera depan VGA
- Baterai 1305mAh
- Konektivitas GSM, 3G HSPA, jack audio 3,5mm, MicroHDMI, MicroUSB, GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC Support, DLNA
- Pilihan warna merah, silver, dan hitam
- Dimensi 122x59.5x10.5mm
- Harga Rp 4.299.000

Sony Xperia U

- Prosesor dual core STE U8500 1GHz
- RAM 512MB
- Sistem operasi Android 2.3 Gingerbread (dapat upgrade Android 4.0)
- Layar 3.5 inci beresolusi 854x480 pixel
- Memori internal 8GB
- Kamera 5MP dengan LED flash, kamera depan VGA
- Baterai 1290mAh
- Konektivitas GSM, 3G HSPA, jack audio 3,5mm, MicroUSB, GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, DLNA
- Pilihan warna hitam dan putih
- Dimensi 122x54x12mm
- Harga Rp 2.749.000

Sony Xperia Sola

- Prosesor dual core STE U8500 1GHz
- RAM 512MB
- Sistem operasi Android 2.3 Gingerbread (dapat upgrade Android 4.0)
- Layar 3.7 inci beresolusi 480x854 pixel
- Memori internal 8GB
- Kamera 5MP dengan LED flash, tidak ada kamera depan
- Baterai 1320 mAh
- Konektivitas GSM, 3G HSPA, jack audio 3,5mm, MicroHDMI, MicroUSB, GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC Support, DLNA
- Pilihan warna hitam, putih dan merah
- Dimensi 116x59x9.9mm
- Harga Rp 3.199.000.

Windows Phone 7.8 Comes with a New Design

Windows Phone 8 may not be present in handheld devices Windows Phone (WP) that exist today. But WP handheld devices available today, will get some new features.

Given the name of WP 7.8, the hardware will have to adopt the initial screen (Start Screen) as found in WP 8. Users will be able to access a variety of things through Live Tiles.

TechRadar proclaimed on Thursday (6/21/2012), this version utilizes the entire width of the screen. So, there would be no arrow indicating the direction to open more applications.

With more space, users can put more tiles. Current can be made in three different sizes. There is also a small-sized tiles to place a variety of applications.

Smaller tiles are useful for applications that do not contain too much important information. Just as those found in standard tile sizes, each application can have an extra large tiles to load more details.

Unfortunately, there is still no information about when WP7.8 was released. But now, Microsoft is reportedly in discussions with operators and vendors handheld device, about the planned trials of this technology.


"Developer" Indonesia Welcomes NASA Challenge

U.S. space agency, NASA, officially opened the International Space Apps Challenge competition in Indonesia.

With this, NASA challenged the application developer (developer) Indonesia to create an application that has to do with outer space.

The event was opened by the Deputy Ambassador to the U.S. Embassy to Indonesia, Ted Osius, in america @ Pacific Place Mall Jakarta, Saturday (04/21/2012). The hope, the application that created NASA and later may help scientists solve global problems.

Although applications from Indonesia related to outer space is relatively rare, but NASA believes Indonesia developer can create useful applications.

"I see the technology community in Jakarta is quite strong, especially when the company is rapidly emerging application developers," said Ali Llewellyn, Open Governent Kompas.com Analyst in an interview with NASA.

There are about 30 application developers who join the competition. Began Saturday afternoon until Sunday (21 and 22 April), they will compile the code (coding) for applications in the office DailySocial technology blog, West Jakarta.

The developers claim, will make an application for computer equipment, mobile or web-based.

They will present an application made before the jury. U.S. Embassy to Indonesia and DailySocial as the organizer, would provide an opportunity for developers to revise their applications in order to really be ready to use.

According to Erna Sri Adiningsih, The Center for Aerospace Information Studies and Institute of Aeronautics and Space Agency (LAPAN), this event will add to the network LAPAN of outer space activities conducted younger generation.

"As long as it still relies on software LAPAN from abroad for the development of space science. Who knows with this show will show up the young seedlings are interested in developing software space," please Erna.


The Future of Cloud Computing in Mobile phones

Mobile data access via smartphones grew rapidly in Indonesia. The condition is believed to be new business opportunities for the development of value added services (VAS) in mobile phone technology by relying on cloud computing.

This was stated by Indonesian initiator Cloud Forum (ICF) True Prasetya. Of various statistics put forward by a number of research bodies, potential cloud on the mobile device will grow large.

"Mobile cloud should be adopted to develop the VAS in the future. Therefore, access to internet, particularly social media via mobile devices is huge," he told detikINET, Monday (04/09/2012).

Citing research firm Gartner said in 2015 that later connections in the world of mobile data services is expected to grow to 7.4 billion stable connection with a revenue of USD 552 billion.

Gartner also predicted that by 2014 there will be more than 70 billion mobile application download from the app store (app store) every year.

Other institutions, Informa Telecoms & Media said the value of data services and VAS in the world is predicted to reach USD 340 billion.

"Indonesia is one of 15 states that encourage pertumubuhan and VAS data services in the world by 36% until 2014," he said.

While Frost & Sullivan revealed in 2011 and there are 67 million mobile users who connect to the data, and could be 167 million in 2016 in Indonesia.

A total of 109 million is projected will be connected using a smartphone, while 22 million use the tablet.

In 2011, the data connection is initiated by a 3G-based mobile phone by 15% to 20%, and will increase to 25% to 30% in 2012. 2.5 G mobile phone market is still dominated by 62%, while 2G phones continue to show a decline.

In 2015 Frost & Sullivan predicted by the value of digital content businesses reach USD 780 million while the ecosystem enabler of about USD 378 million.

True to explain, the condition was an opportunity for the development of Mobile VAS that had been mistakenly considered to Premium SMS.

"VAS in the era of data instead of SMS Premium. However, developing a VAS in the era of data that there are some obstacles," he explained.

The obstacles are varied operating platform owned devices, memory and storage limitations of the device, and a wide variety of display device capabilities, the ability to support mobile browser, type the availability to connect to the server, and the target market of VAS applications or content.

He suggested, in order to overcome these obstacles mobile cloud should be adopted to develop the VAS in the future.

Mobile Apps cloud is believed to give Native Client on the Device, web-based applications access through the device, and faster Internet access via mobile.

According to him, cloud mobile technology can simplify all of the data from mobile devices to be transferred to the cloud. Next, make sure the same platform, and integrate with the internet and social media to increase market acceptance.

"If it easier to run mobile cloud service and content developers in making VAS products. Whether it's platform, content, and infrastructure. Development VAS will also be faster, cheaper, and the edges are more productive because of increased turnover," he said.

On the end user, the mobile cloud existing practice when referring to Facebook, Dropbox, and others. However, for the platform does not exist because operators have not moved to open Application Programming Interface (API).

"Because it's open API to open access to the back office operator sepertibilling, subs authentication, charging, customer care, and more. Operators still fear security problems security and fraud management," he concluded.


Android Threatened by New Malware

Security researchers have discovered a new malware that threatens the Android operating system. This malware allows hackers to install software without having to seek approval from the user.

According to the Principal Engineer and Mobile Security Specialists Lookout Tim Wyatt, new malware is called Legacy Native or known Lena. He also explained the current Lena attacked only a few users.

"Lena was originally entered disguised as legitimate applications and trying to trick the user to activate the payload. The trick is to take advantage of the Super User feature in the Android operating system that has been rooted, "he explained.

Proclaimed Computing, Friday (04/06/2012) malware threats can only be avoided by very advanced users. However, his new variety known as "gingerbreak", allowing root access on devices that adopt Android Gingerbread and Honeycomb, so it does not depend on the mobility of users.

The good news is, malware that has not appeared in Google's Android Market or Play. So, this is different from previous malware infection like DroidDream. On the other hand, this malware can attack the device when users download applications outside the Android Market or google Play.

Wyatt gives some tips on prevention, so that Android users stay safe:

A. Always be alert to things that are not reasonable, such as telephone bills, SMS, network activation or activity applications that run when the device is locked.

2. Always check the permissions to request an application

3. Just download the application via a trusted source such as Google's Android Market or Play

4. Download security software for your device, to detect any application that is downloaded in order to stay safe.

source : techno.okezone.com


5 World's Most Expensive Gadgets

Many gadgets are made luxury version with exorbitant prices. Hardly makes sense that only the wealthy who could afford to have it.

Most of these fancy gadgets are designed by the designers. He was covered with jewels or rare items that make it so exclusive and exceptional high-priced.

Here are 5 gadgets that get the most expensive category in the world, as quoted from Industry Leaders Magazine:

Chopard hours - USD 25 Million

Hard to believe, at the name of the 201-carat Chopard on sale-$ 25 million or in the range of Rp 229 billion. No doubt, this is the hour at the most expensive in the world.

What makes the exorbitant price of diamond jewelry is so much embedded as a decoration at this hour. On it there are three rather large diamond-shaped heart. And around the body is still a lot of smaller diamonds.

iPad 2-Gold History - USD 8.1 Million

Designed by British designer, Stuart Hughes, iPad 2 is clearly not the same as regular appearances with iPad 2 sold in the market. The price alone reached $ 8.1 million or in the range of USD 74 billion.

The back of the iPad 2 is coated with 24 carat gold weighing 2 pounds. Then the front frame made of Ammolite, 75 million year old rocks. To make it more exclusive, a bone Tyranosaurus Rex 65 million years old are also embedded in the stone. Coupled with a 8.5 carat diamond attach in the home.

Diamond Rose iPhone4 - USD 8 Million
4 that the iPhone is sold at a price of USD 8 million or around Rp 71 billion. Again the designer is Stuart Hughes who is specialized in designing gadget looks very luxurious.

Phone 4 is sprinkled with more than 500 grains of diamond. Then there are two rather large diamond in the home, both are worth USD 6.4 million. While the Apple logo on the back of the phone is decorated with a 53 point diamond.

PrestigeHD Supreme Rose-USD 2.3 Million
PrestigeHD Supreme Rose Edition is a high definition television at a price out of the ordinary. With a tag of USD 2.3 million or in the range of USD 21 billion, only the very wealthy who can afford or intend to have it.

Television is also designed Stuart Hughes is the outer frame is made with 28 kilograms of gold. There is also coated with diamond. While the frame is made with alligator leather.

Laptop Luvaglio $ 1 Million
This Luvaglio laptop portable computer seems to be the most expensive in the world today. It costs about $ 1 million or if dirupiahkan equivalent to Rp 9 billion.

Laptop made this British company has a 17 inch wide screen. Specification is actually normal, not quite stand out compared to middle-class laptop sold today. Which makes it expensive is the laptop is made by hand and decorated with rare diamonds in the body.

source : inet.detik.com


Optimizing Your Android Tablet

In the midst of modern society are versatile and practical, as now, the need for the world of telecommunications is vital, especially those accustomed to the mobile life.

Now, they are no longer looking for a phone that is only able to play songs. Smartphone, Tablet to the much sought after to be able to support their daily activities. Ranging from social media features, push mail, to devices that support the Office software (Word, Excel, Power Point, etc.).

Given the growing reality of now, presence-based Tablet with Android operating system is becoming a trend and booming.

If you belong to one Android users who still do not recognize your Android Tablet in depth, it's worth listening tips that we present below, so you can optimize existing features.

1. Android Market

If we use the Android-based Tablet, we will be pampered with the many free applications available on Android Market.

But we need an email from Google to be able to access it. If you do not have, you can sign up through gmail account. The manufacturing process is quite easy: you just fill in some of the requested information personal data and account name and its password.

Alternatively, a special Samsung smartphones and tablets, are available a variety of applications to optimize your tablet at the Samsung Apps. Visit http://www.samsung.com/id/samsung-apps/index.do for the application of your choice.

2. We subscribe to the Internet
Once connected to a Google server, your tablet will continue to use the data to update a variety of applications including push mail and social media. And of course, it will drain you faster pulse. The solution, you can subscribe to packages provided by internet service provider. Carriers usually give preference based on time (daily / weekly / monthly) and the amount of data.

3. Using Application Cleaner
Applications can be cleaner alternatives to maximize the performance of your Android. Because the application is automatically cleaner capable of removing all the cache and history at a certain time interval, also delete all the records search and browser history navigation.

Cleaning the cache will help improve the performance of your Android tablet. In addition, the battery life also becomes longer. Application examples Cleaner you can download the 1Tap Cleaner, and Cache Cleaner App. Both can be obtained for free on Android Market.

4. Securing Mobile Phone
Tablet Android certainly has a touch screen, making it risky if you do not lock your tablet. The solution, you can use the screen lock function by making a gesture (patterns) specific, or can also write down a password to protect it.

You can find this feature in the settings, submenus, location, and security. After that, select set the screen lock. You can specify your own type of security that will be used. If this protection feature is still not, you can download other similar applications from the Android Market.

5. Underclock feature
Complaints as a wasteful use of battery frequently voiced Android users. To reduce this effect, you can try the underclock feature which can be accessed directly from the menu. Its function is to lower the processor speed of your Android. If earlier you are in the Android Processor 1GHz speed, after at-will underclock to 800 Mhz. No need to worry about Android tablet drastically reduced performance, because when you're not running heavy applications, this one features a perfect solution to conserve battery use.

It's Time to Tab
As one of the Tablet Android market leader, Samsung proves its existence in the tablet computer with access to all segments of the existing tablets. Ranging from sailing 7-inch tablet, 10.1 inches, up to 8.9 inches.

Not strange indeed if the tablet PC Samsung is the best selling tablet computers in Indonesia. Android OS plus a charming form yangdigunakannya make a lot of people chasing him.

It's time to Tab! Please visit www.samsung.com / id or via mobile phone in m.samsung.com / id. Also get the latest info from the family of Samsung Galaxy Tab in http://www.facebook.com/SamsungMobileIndonesia community.

source : lipsus.kompas.com


Corsair Vengeance K90, Real Keyboard For Real Gamers

Outside the industry memory, Corsair seems more serious work on the gamer. Call it a Vengeance K90 keyboard designed specifically for MMORPG gamers.

No doubt if many players require special software to play. For example, a mouse with a special sensitivity rate, or keyboard that has some special buttons to various functions.

Well, that's what makes computer accessories vendor in droves to spend their flagship product. One Corsair, which had previously been successfully spawned a variant of the memory, power supply, and audio devices for gamers.

Sturdy and Attractive Design

The first impression of this product is its shape look stunning. Large, eccentric color, and lots of foreign keys that makes me curious to try.

In addition it also turns the keyboard feels heavy when held. It is felt when the keyboard is removed from the packaging which is also great.

As noted, it turns out almost all the top Corsair K90 coated aluminum. Apparently this is what makes this product feels heavy but seem sturdy and look cool.

But that's just on the top only. At bottom, this product sepereti keyboard in general, is made of black plastic material with 'legs' to make it higher.

Other enhancements are included in the sales package is a buffer wrist. For linking, the user need only rotate the screw is there on both sides. Quite easily and make the keyboard more comfortable to use.

This keyboard looks even more attractive when used in indoor low light, such as gamers play in a room without a beacon.

The light blue colored backlit keyboard looks adorn almost all the keys. Brightness level can be adjusted up to 3 levels through the buttons provided.

Suitable For MMORG Game Lovers

But outside the looks are attractive, Corsair Vengeance K90 plus it has a functional value, especially for gamers lovers of massively multiplayer online game role-playing game (MMORPG).

Yes, if viewed from the features offered Vengeance K90 seemed appropriate to play the kind of game. This can be seen with the addition of 18 dedicated buttons on the left.

Function of 198 keys can be changed in accordance with the wishes of users, for example, for some key combinations are often used in MMORPG games.

In total there are 54 functions that can be embedded and stored in memory that already exists on this keyboard. Yes, Vengeance K90 does have onboard memory for this requirement.

In addition to the row of buttons, Vengeance K90 also has some additional buttons that, for the backlit lights are on the right. In total there are 3 levels of brightness that can be used.

Then the 'lock' to lock all buttons, then there scroling dio side bar to adjust the volume and several other commonly used keys for music player.

Well, with an attractive design and appearance of an eccentric, no doubt again if the product is capable of memcuri attention of gamers.

Features that offer equally great, a row of buttons provided enough help when gamers are being fought in cyberspace. Unfortunately all keyboard functions can not be directly used.

In the sales package, Corsair does not include installation CD. So users must download some additional software on the sites listed in the manual Corsair K90.

In addition, although it was soft but almost all the keys on the Corsair K90 quite noisy when in use. Interested? Gamers who want to have these products should make up for it with a range of Rp 1,225,000.

+ Cool design
+ Many of the features

- Does not include software
- Some of the noisy

source : inet.detik.com


Good news: Mass Effect 3 It can be sampled

Finally, gamers can already taste the Mass-effect 3. Although still in demo form, but from here the player can feel like what the embryo bakalnya later.

In Mass Effect 3 gamers will be back playing with the primary mission Shepard took over the Earth from alien colonies called The Reaper.

Quoted from Neoseeker, Wednesday (02/15/2012), the current demo Mass Effect 3 for the computer is worth trying and can be downloaded via the site owned by Electronic Arts. While the version of the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 is scheduled to follow soon.

Does not vary much with the original version to be released later in March 2012, in this demo players can play and convert Shepard looks at will.

But to play the demo size is 2.1 GB, it's good gamer attention to computer specs are needed, among others:

Minimum Spec:

OS - Windows XP SP3/Vista SP1, Win 7
CPU - 1.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (equivalent AMD CPU)
RAM - 1 GB for XP / 2GB RAM for Vista / Win 7
Disc Drive - 1x speed
Hard Drive - 2.5 GB of free space
Video - 256 MB * ​​(with Pixel Shader 3.0 support)
* Supported chipsets: NVIDIA 7900 or better; ATI X1800 or better. Please note That NVIDIA GeForce 9300, 8500, 8400, and 8300 are below minimum system requirements, as are AMD / ATI Radeon HD3200, HD3300, and HD4350. Updates to your video and sound card drivers may be required.
Sound - DirectX 9.0c compatible
DirectX - DirectX 9.0c August 2009 (included)

Recommended Spec:

OS - Windows XP SP3/Vista SP1, Win 7
CPU - 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (equivalent AMD CPU)
RAM - 2 GB for XP / 4GB RAM for Vista / Win 7
Disc Drive - 1x speed
Hard Drive - 2.5 GB of free space
Video - AMD / ATI Radeon HD 4850 512 MB ​​or Greater, NVidia GeForce 9800 GT 512 MB or Greater
Sound - DirectX 9.0c compatible

How my friend? when to try?

source : inet.detik.com


Watch out! Whitney Houston Clickjacking Death Threat...

For the umpteenth time, world events didompleng cyber criminals to act. This time-related death of Whitney Houston who used to spread false messages on Facebook and Twitter clickjacking.

Security firm Trend Micro revealed that the perpetrator to lure potential victims with news, pictures, and videos related to Whitney's death. Yet behind it, ready diinfeksikan malicious file.

A similar incident happened when the death of Steve Jobs, Moammar Ghadafi and Amy Winehouse.

For the case of Whitney mendomppleng this, Trend Micro claims to have found evidence of infiltration clickjacking two deaths in the name of the high voiced singer.

First, Trend Micro indicating cyber criminals have spread false Whitney Houston video on Facebook. In wall posts, the video is titled "I cried watching this video. RIP Whitney Houston".

When you click the video link will be redirected to the survey page. After conducting an investigation into the domains involved, Trend Micro has found 101 scams survey on the same IP address.

Second, Trend Micro also find tweets with links that utilize hazardous hashtag # RIPWhitneyHouston, the trend worldwide. Where in the hashtag is inserted links that direct users to click on the Twitter site that supposedly free wallpaper Whitney.

"But once clicked, a window pop up asking the user to download a ringtone from Whitney Houston to leave a personal phone number," said Trend Micro, in a statement on Wednesday (02/15/2012).

Trend Micro added that this incident shows that the profile virus attacks and has now changed dramatically - from the global outbreak in a sophisticated and targeted attacks.

Recognizing that the technique is less effective past, now cybercriminals are constantly coming up with new techniques to trick users and infect.

"They continue to release new threat variants, increasing the speed of threat, and using the threat as a random attack, steal data through malware, and botnets as well as into the social media pages (Facebook and Twitter)," he concluded.

source : inet.detik.com


Death of Whitney Houston, Drugs Evidence of Cruelty

Whitney Houston's death would be sad news for his fans worldwide. Moreover, Houston is known gait fantastic voice is a renowned star of world-class unrivaled. Unfortunately, his departure is tragic because the alleged influence of drugs be a very regrettable.

Houston was found dead by her boyfriend Ray J at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, California, on Saturday (11/2) at 03:45 local time Sunday (12/2) morning Indonesian time. He reportedly died at the age of 48 years. Until this news was revealed, there is no certainty the cause of death of Whitney by police investigating the case. But allegedly, due to the tragic departure of illegal drugs consumed. During his life, Houston admitted that she was a user of cocaine, marijuana and heroin. Cigarettes and alcohol are also a 'best friend' for him.

Houston's departure was once again reminded the maysarakat around the country how bad drugs are already outlawed it can entrap users into the dark life, even death is not your terhormat.Agar not entangled in it, know the following things about drugs .

In his book entitled "Family Health Guide", Dr Mirriam Stoppard explains the facts based on inspection of illicit drugs.

1) The work of these drugs harm the user's body, but the severity of damage while the drug is working to give feelings of pleasure when used.

2) When you tried it once, then stop using drugs was not always a realistic goal.

3) Although outlawed, the use of the substance in medicine does not always mean abuse. Because these drugs are actually for some immediate interest for purposes of treatment.

4) The danger for young children who want to try it, use a single drug will lead to the use of other more dangerous drugs.

5) Unfortunately, knowing the risks of using drugs does not mean it can prevent young people try drugs.

Here are some drugs that need to be aware of. Get to know more in order for you to know the deadly consequences for your life.


Depressant drug that dulls the brain and body and relieve pain. This drug is highly addictive. There are three forms of heroin: brown heroin (which should not be injected), white, and pharmaceutical heroin, which easily lead to overdose.

Sometimes brown heroin dissolved in vinegar or lemon juice and can cause vision problems if injected. Blisters and open wounds can result from heavy use of heroin. When the withdrawal, user suffers addiction, panic attacks, cramps, nausea, and diarrhea.


Powerful stimulants that cause feelings of euphoria and comfort. This drug is highly addictive. Long-term users can become psychotic. Inhalation of these drugs can injure your nostrils.

Inject cocaine is very dangerous because it is at risk of overdose. Mixing it with heroin is also very dangerous. Most of the cocaine sold to users in the form of powder mixed with glucose, lactose, and even drugs. The content of the lowest is 30 per cent cocaine.


Marijuana causes users to feel the emotional overload. Users are becoming more widely spoken (nag) and think that they are more 'understanding' of the world. All it often feels very funny to them.

Most of the long-term heavy users suffering from panic attacks, atmoshpere changes (mood) and was accused of overkill. Mixing cannabis with amphetamines or ecstasy can cause severe dehydration and other problems a case of a heart attack. There are three forms of cannabis: herbal (dried leaves, resin and cannabis oil [hashish]).


Ecstasy releases a chemical modifier mood (mood), such as serotonin and L-Dopa, which induce a feeling of love and friends. This drug is also hallucinogenic. Ecstasy can cause the body to overheat, resulting in a deadly heat stroke.

This drug can also interfere with blood flow in the brain, causing stroke, as well as cause kidney and liver failure is fatal.


Stimulant that can make you more agile and alert. Users have become very fussy and can stay awake for hours. You can still feel the effect until 12 hours after use. Amphetamines can cause heatstroke and jantjng attack. Liver and kidneys are failing that will arise when you inject him with alcohol. Injecting drugs are very dangerous because the heart is unable to cope with the surprise.

source : health.okezone.com

Health Benefits of Music

You know the music? Like music? Like the first song of my childhood, I like music, you like music, all the world like music. In today's world, music has been growing very rapidly. Music is not only used for entertainment, but also used for various other purposes. Music has been widely used as therapy to cope with various symptoms of depression and anxiety. Apparently, there are many other health benefits of music. The amount of this benefit is still unexplored by researchers.

Dr. Petr Janata, a neuroscientist at the University of California, as reported by brainready.com, Monday (1/30/2012) states, "There's something about music and engaging in musical activities that seem very stimulating for the brain and body. Singing songs favorite with family and friends, playing in a band or dancing to music can also strengthen ties with other people. "
Here are some health benefits of music.

Improve the ability of the brain

There are several studies that show how music can enhance brain function. In one study, a clinical psychologist Charles Emery of Ohio State University studied the effects of music on people who listen to them for regular exercise.

Emery and his team tested 33 men and women who were in the final weeks of cardiac rehabilitation programs. Each participant was tested for the ability to mentally after exercising without music and exercising with music.

The result, on average, participants received scores more than doubled when listening to music after a workout without listening to music than after exercise. The selected music is Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons".

Previous studies by other scientists suggests that music helps patients with lung disease to mental abilities may work better.

Emery thought the same benefits can be gained by listening to all kinds of music, not just classical music. He theorized that the "Four Seasons" can stimulate mental performance because of its complexity forcing the brain to regulate nerve transmission.

"But other types of music may work better for some people. I do not think there is anything special on the music of Vivaldi or classical music that would trigger an increase in brain function," Emery said.

Improve intelligence

Several other studies have illustrated that listening to music is a business that is more complex than it seems. The human brain to sort out the tone, timing, and sequencing of sound to understand the music.

Believed that the frontal lobes of the brain is stimulated and activated when listening to music. Because the area is part of the brain associated with higher mental functions such as abstract thinking or planning.

Frances Rauscher, a psychologist at the University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh and her colleagues found that listening to Mozart's music can enhance people in the field of mathematical reasoning and spatial abilities.

In fact, mice that run mazes faster and more accurately after hearing Mozart. According to Rauscher, Mozart piano sonata seems to stimulate the activity of three genes involved in nerve cell signals in the brain.

Listening to music is one way of listening to music passively to obtain benefits for the brain. But a more stimulating brain activity and even increase IQ is playing or writing music.

Children six years old who were given music lessons when compared to drama lessons or no extra instruction received 2-3 points in his IQ scores.

Rauscher also found that after getting music lessons for two years, pre-school children scored better on spatial reasoning tests than those following the computer lessons. But the benefits may not be the same for adults.

Reducing pain

Some studies have found that listening to music can reduce pain. Other studies have shown that music can be beneficial for patients with heart disease by reducing blood pressure, heart rate and anxiety.

Music therapy has also been shown to lift the spirits of patients with depression. Create your own music, either playing musical instruments or singing, can have therapeutic effects as well.

When listening to or involved in the music that makes happy, relaxed, contemplative, the body will have the effect of deep relaxation such as sleep, warm baths, and lower overall stress levels.


Recognize Triggers Pain

The pain can not be seen, but when we feel it, it's hard to think of something other than pain. Actually, pain is a signal that our body needs attention.

"Most doctors only prescribe drugs to mask pain. The best solution is actually eradicate the problem," says Jacob Teitelbaum, author of Real Cause, Real Cure.

If you experience chronic pain that had lasted about six months or acute pain caused by injury or excessive movement, should avoid the use of continuous pain relief. Consider the following six triggers pain.

1. The anger

Save your anger could actually lead to feelings of pain in his back. In studies, people who choose to bury his anger at having more pressure on the muscles along the spine.

2. Incorrect posture

The use of computers that are too long without a balanced posture can cause pain. Although sitting quietly is not an exertion of physical activity, attitude turns static for a long time would disrupt the flow of blood and lymph nodes so that the muscles become tense and stiff.

4. The smart phone

Thanks to the smart phones, we are now more easily connect with friends and looking for the latest information. However, smart phones, it is also a culprit of pain. This is especially if you are used to "hold" by phone pinned between shoulder and ear so that both hands free to perform other work.

In the long run, these habits will cause tension on the neck, shoulders and even wrists. Ceramic by using the earphones if you intend to talk in a rather long time.

5. Thinking bad

Catasthorphing, or to believe the situation is worse than the reality of stress not only add flavor but also disrupt a person's ability to cope with everyday life. Various studies have linked catastrophizing with increased perception of pain.

"Emotion and pain are processed in the same brain area. So if we are stressed or anxious, naturally we will also feel the physical pain," said Andrew Bertagnolli, head board member of the American Chronic Pain Association.

6. Lack of sleep

Our body produces growth hormone when we're sleeping. This hormone is necessary for tissue repair cells damaged at the same time overcome the pain. Because it's people who suffer from insomnia triples risk of chronic pain.

source : kompas.com