
The Future of Cloud Computing in Mobile phones

Mobile data access via smartphones grew rapidly in Indonesia. The condition is believed to be new business opportunities for the development of value added services (VAS) in mobile phone technology by relying on cloud computing.

This was stated by Indonesian initiator Cloud Forum (ICF) True Prasetya. Of various statistics put forward by a number of research bodies, potential cloud on the mobile device will grow large.

"Mobile cloud should be adopted to develop the VAS in the future. Therefore, access to internet, particularly social media via mobile devices is huge," he told detikINET, Monday (04/09/2012).

Citing research firm Gartner said in 2015 that later connections in the world of mobile data services is expected to grow to 7.4 billion stable connection with a revenue of USD 552 billion.

Gartner also predicted that by 2014 there will be more than 70 billion mobile application download from the app store (app store) every year.

Other institutions, Informa Telecoms & Media said the value of data services and VAS in the world is predicted to reach USD 340 billion.

"Indonesia is one of 15 states that encourage pertumubuhan and VAS data services in the world by 36% until 2014," he said.

While Frost & Sullivan revealed in 2011 and there are 67 million mobile users who connect to the data, and could be 167 million in 2016 in Indonesia.

A total of 109 million is projected will be connected using a smartphone, while 22 million use the tablet.

In 2011, the data connection is initiated by a 3G-based mobile phone by 15% to 20%, and will increase to 25% to 30% in 2012. 2.5 G mobile phone market is still dominated by 62%, while 2G phones continue to show a decline.

In 2015 Frost & Sullivan predicted by the value of digital content businesses reach USD 780 million while the ecosystem enabler of about USD 378 million.

True to explain, the condition was an opportunity for the development of Mobile VAS that had been mistakenly considered to Premium SMS.

"VAS in the era of data instead of SMS Premium. However, developing a VAS in the era of data that there are some obstacles," he explained.

The obstacles are varied operating platform owned devices, memory and storage limitations of the device, and a wide variety of display device capabilities, the ability to support mobile browser, type the availability to connect to the server, and the target market of VAS applications or content.

He suggested, in order to overcome these obstacles mobile cloud should be adopted to develop the VAS in the future.

Mobile Apps cloud is believed to give Native Client on the Device, web-based applications access through the device, and faster Internet access via mobile.

According to him, cloud mobile technology can simplify all of the data from mobile devices to be transferred to the cloud. Next, make sure the same platform, and integrate with the internet and social media to increase market acceptance.

"If it easier to run mobile cloud service and content developers in making VAS products. Whether it's platform, content, and infrastructure. Development VAS will also be faster, cheaper, and the edges are more productive because of increased turnover," he said.

On the end user, the mobile cloud existing practice when referring to Facebook, Dropbox, and others. However, for the platform does not exist because operators have not moved to open Application Programming Interface (API).

"Because it's open API to open access to the back office operator sepertibilling, subs authentication, charging, customer care, and more. Operators still fear security problems security and fraud management," he concluded.

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