
Do not Underestimate the Tingling

Some people must have experienced numbness when sitting cross-legged for too long or fall asleep with his head crushed. This condition also occurs when pressure on the nerve that goes right. However, the numbness will go away when the pressure is not there anymore.
Pins can also be indicative of many diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, pinched nerves, impaired blood flow in the peripheral blood vessels, and blood disorders. There are times when those who have not known to have diabetes, tingling may be an early symptom of diabetes known.
Paresthesia or numbness is often a symptom of chronic neurological disease or traumatic nerve damage. The cause is a disorder that affects the central nervous system such as stroke and mini stroke, multiple sclerosis, transverse myelitis, and encephalitis.
Tumors and vascular lesions of the brain or spinal pressure can also cause paresthesia. Neurological syndromes such as carpal channel syndrome (CTS) can damage the peripheral nerves and cause paresthesia accompanied by pain.
Here are a number of diseases characterized by symptoms of tingling.

1. Diabetes mellitus (DM)
In patients with DM, tingling is a symptom of damage to blood vessels. As a result, blood flow in the nerve endings is reduced. This condition can be overcome by controlling blood sugar levels closely, also taking drugs such as gabapentin, vitamin B1 and B12.
2. Stroke
Tingling can be a sign of a mild stroke. Usually caused by blockages in blood vessels in the brain, resulting in damage to local nerves. Other symptoms that occur: numbness half body, half body paralyzed, blind one eye, difficulty speaking, dizziness, double vision and blurred.
Symptoms last a few minutes or less than 24 hours. Usually occurs during sleep or just waking up. This condition should be treated because it can develop into a severe stroke.

3. Heart disease
Tingling neuropathy is not only due to pressure, but because of cardiac complications with her nerves. In patients undergoing cardiac valve surgery installation, there are blood clots that stick. Clot that can be carried by the flow of blood to the brain, causing cerebral embolic.
If the blockage in the brain regions that regulate the sensory system, the patient will feel a tingling right. If the local governing motor system is also affected, the tingling will be accompanied by paralysis.

4. Infections of the spine
This causes the body from the navel downwards can not be moved. Patients could not control urination. Bowel movement was difficult. This disease called myelitis (inflammation of the spinal cord). Level of recovery depends on the damage. Can recover some, but there is also a paraplegic.

5. Rheumatism
This disease can cause tingling or feeling thick. In this case due to a pinched nerve at the hinge joints, such as the wrist joint, change shape. Tingling symptoms usually disappear when cured rheumatism.

6. Spasmofilia (tetani)
Symptoms of tingling can also be a sign of disease spasmofilia (tetani). The disease is caused by calcium ion levels in the blood decreases. The reason is the decrease of carbon dioxide tension in the lungs. Other symptoms: leg cramps, insomnia, emotional instability, fear, weakness, headaches or migraines, and lost consciousness.

7. Guillain-Barre syndrome
Tingling could be one indication of this disease. Marked symptoms of high fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Also followed by tingling and numbness. Tingling sensation usually felt in the whole body, especially on the tip of the toes and fingers due to virus attacks the peripheral nervous system.
If things were not addressed, will continue to attack vital organs. As a result, the patient felt shortness of breath and was paralyzed on the entire body.

8. Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
There is a tingling sensation that preceded severe flu. Tingling will increase in intensity starting from the tip of the finger, creeping up to the navel. Patients may simply feel numb or to difficulty walking, means inflammation of the spinal cord is taxable. This is due to virus attacks, typically cytomegalovirus.

Bloggers, now we already know that tingling sensation should not be left alone. Let's keep the health, because health is good. If healthy, we can move comfortably, including blogging. Is it true?

New Name in the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements

Blogger Friend, surely you're all familiar with chemical terms, chemistry, and so on. Especially during high school that used to sit in science class. Chemistry is arguably one of the lessons that 'maybe' less liked by students, because the chemistry lesson arguably one of the lessons are hard to understand. If that were the case, this could be bad news. Why? Due to the already complicated chemistry has now got a new comer in the periodic table of elements. There are three additional new elements were added in the periodic table of elements. These three names have been approved by the General Assembly of International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP). Approval was committed in the meeting by the General Assembly which consists of 60 people at the Institute of Physics (IOP), London, Saturday 5 November 2011 that then. These three elements are named Darmstadtium (Ds), Roentgenium (Rg) and Copernicium (Cn), each is numbered 110, 111 and 112.

Head of IOP and the Secretary General of IUPAP, Dr Robert Kirby-Harris, as quoted by the Daily Mail last Saturday said the naming of this element has been approved in consultation with physicists from around the world and we are pleased to see them introduced in the periodic table of elements.

In earlier publications Saturday, LiveScience stated that the three elements of the new element called "superberat" or transuranium. This element exists only in the laboratory, not in nature, once shed quickly become another element and difficult to learn. Not much is known about that element. These three elements have long been found. However, indirect naming must be done in accordance with the agreement due to organizational scientists. Therefore, the three elements can only be added to the Periodic Table.

In general, an element named after its discoverer, the place is found or the name of honor. Copernicium for example, was created February 9, 1996 under the name ununbium. The name did not change until 2009 when the existence of an element has been demonstrated. The name was taken in honor of Copernicus and Copernicus, the first scientist to claim that the Earth around the Sun.

While Roentgenium found December 8, 1994 with the original name unununium. Roentgenium name then used as a tribute to the services of Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, the scientist who detects X-rays and won the physics Nobel in 1901.
Darmstadtium created by Peter Armbruster and Gottfried Munzenberg with names beginning ununnilium. The name is taken Darmstadtium conducted at the facility for the manufacture of the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research in Germany, located near the city of Darmstadt.

Having succeeded in giving the names of three elements, the scientists are now trying to name the elements 114 and 116 that have been added to the periodic table of elements that last July. Its official name will soon be introduced some time to come.

Source : kompas